Hair Loss/Thinning treatment
(PRP) Hair Treatment is a medical procedure that involves injecting a patient’s own blood plasma, which is rich in growth factors, into the scalp to stimulate hair growth. It is a non-surgical hair restoration procedure that has gained popularity in recent years, especially among those who are looking for natural hair growth solutions.
PRP is 'Platelet Rich Plasma' - platelets are the bodys own regeneration cells

- full medical assessment including consent formÂ
- explanation of the treatment, process and expectationsÂ
- Blood sample will be taken from arm (5 mins)
- Sample will be spun in centrifuge separating platelets/plasma (bodies own regeneration cells)Â
- an numbing cream will be applied to your scalp
- The plasma will then be placed in small syringed with small sterile needlesÂ
- The Practitioner will then inject the platelet/plasma within the areas of thinning hair that has been previously discussed (10 mins)
- There may be some bleeding but will stop within minutes
- The area will then be cleaned and procedure completeÂ
Appointment:Â Â 1 hourÂ
Avoid using any hair products for at least 6 hours after your treatment.
Take a hot shower and wash your hair that evening, after the treatment, to promote the effects of PRP.
Avoid saunas, steam rooms, and swimming for 2 days after your treatment.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and smoking for 3 days after treatment.
Avoid exposing your head to direct sunlight for 24 hours.
Avoid strenuous exercise for at least 12 hours.
Avoid touching your hair or scalp as much as possible for as long as possible.
Wash your hair with gentle shampoo after 24 hours.